ربي - My Lord
كلمات يُردّدُها القلب قبل اللّسان كلّما وقعتِ العين على عظيم الخلق… دعائي أن «اِجْعَلْني إنْسانًا شاكِرًا لِأنْعُمِكَ.. وَمُحِبًّا لِجَميعِ خَلْقِكَ».
Introduce your children to the beauty of Allah's creation with this delightful book. Filled with simple yet meaningful phrases, it helps young ones express themselves through supplication, thanksgiving, and praise of Allah. With each page, they'll learn to recite heartfelt words that resonate in their hearts and inspire them to be better people
Suitable for ages 4+